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Conservation Meeting Minutes 2/1/07
Conservation Commission
February 1, 2007

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Stephen Cremer, Hank Langstroth, Stephan Glicken, and Katherine Roth
were the members present.

7:45 p.m. Richard Gray - Mountain Street Layout Project:

Richard Gray, 756 Mountain Street, appeared before the Commission to discuss a preliminary
proposal to construct the undeveloped portion of Mountain Street under the State’s Wetland
Protection Act and the Town’s Local By-law. He is also planning to construct a safer entrance/exit for
his property under the same project. (With the existing driveway design, a driver’s vision is
obstructed by foliage to the Mountain Street traffic.) The new driveway is being proposed parallel to
790 Mountain Street. Mr. Gray explained to the Commission that his parents were the previous property
owners, and the Norfolk County Commissioners took approximately 13,700 sq.ft. of their land by
eminent domain in 1961.
Mr. Gray's proposal is to perform tree clearing and roadway construction in two phases on land owned
by the Norfolk County:
Phase 1
To clear the right-of-way behind his home. The width of the proposed clearing is 30’.
(From the eastern end of the paper street to the 100’ Buffer Line.)
Phase 2
To clear the remaining right-of-way up to the existing pavement to the west of Mountain Street.
(Phase 2 to involve tree clearing within the 100’ Buffer Zone and wetland fill.)
Peg explained that the Commission might not approve the proposed 30’ wide clearing of the right-of-way.
The Commission reviewed a letter addressed to Mr. Gray on November 29, 2006 by the Norfolk County Commissioners.
The Commission determined that the letter does not provide Mr. Gray with the necessary approval to
represent the Norfolk County Commissioners for the proposed Mountain Street construction project.
Peg requested Mr. Gray to file a Notice of Intent application with the Commission to reflect the total impact
of the proposed project and to obtain authorization from the Norfolk County Commissioners to represent
their interest in the filing.
The Commission requested Mr. Gray to submit a survey plan when filing the Notice of Intent application.
Mr. Gray stated that he would contact Mr. Buckley from Bay Colony Group for a survey plan. Mr. Gray
explained that he previously met with Mr. Buckley to discuss design plans for a culvert for the road
construction project.
The Conservation Administrator suggested that Mr. Gray also have Mr. Buckley flag the wetlands to the
edge of the proposed street layout to determine the Commission’s jurisdiction for the proposed project.
Mr. Gray expressed a willingness to address all of the Commission’s concerns for the proposed project.

8:15 p.m. Noah Siegel’s interview with the Commission concerning an appointment to the Lake Management

Noah Siegel explained to the Commission that he moved to Sharon from Brookline over three years ago
and has two young children. A portion of his property abuts Lake Massapoag. He identifies the Lake as a
beautiful natural resource that he is interested in preserving. He and his family enjoy the recreational activities
offered by Lake Massapoag. Noah stated that he would be available to meet on a regular basis with the Lake
Management Committee and also during the summer months to help accomplish the necessary Lake testing
Stephen Cremer asked Noah what skills/knowledge he could offer to the Lake Management Committee.
Noah stated that would be a reliable and hard worker for the Committee. He has the ability to apply his
analytical skills effectively and make reasonable decisions concerning Lake Massapoag.

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Stephen Cremer asked Noah what he thought the scope of his responsibilities might be if he is designated
by the Commission to serve on the Lake Management Committee.
Noah replied that his primary responsibility would be to represent the Commission’s goals and concerns
regarding Lake Massapoag.
Peg expressed her appreciation to Noah Siegel for his interest in serving on the Lake Management
Committee and stated that she would notify him of the Commission’s decision.

8:30 p.m. Old/New Business:
South Main Street Project Update
The Conservation Administrator explained to the Commission that Natural Heritage met
with Mr. Intoccia to discuss wildlife habitat issues concerning the proposed project.
Mr. Intoccia is required by Natural Heritage to mitigate some land either on/off of the proposed project
site if he proposes to eliminate part of a wildlife habitat area for his development project.  
The Conservation Administrator was able to negotiate a groundwater mitigation fund with Intoccia.
Mr. Intoccia is proposing to build l00 apartments and approximately 67 two-bedroom condos as part of his
proposed development project.  
Peg stated that Mr. Morse owns the cranberry bog area through the Spring of 2008, and
that an endowment fund would be a necessary component of a potential lease agreement.

Open Space Planning Committee Update
Peg announced to the Commission that the Open Space Planning Committee held their first meeting on
January 30, with seven members in attendance. Peg was encouraged by the cooperative efforts made
by the members of the Open Space Planning Committee. Amanda Sloan’s graphic ability and the
computer grant writing abilities of Jeff Tatro and Kurt Buermann will be useful in completing the update
for the Open Space and Recreation Master Plan.
Peg is waiting for more information from Mr. Durand’s office for updating the Open Space and Recreation
Master Plan.

Noah Siegel’s Appointment to the Lake Management Committee
It was the consensus of the Commission to designate Noah Siegel to represent the Commission on the
Lake Management Committee.
Stephen Cremer moved to appoint Noah Siegel as the Commission’s representative of the Lake Management
Committee. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

FY’08 Budget
The members in attendance reviewed the Commission's FY’08 Expense Budget and recommended
that it be submitted to the Finance Committee for approval.
9:00 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the January 4, 2007 meeting minutes as amended.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. 4-0-1.

Peg called for a motion to approve the January 18, 2007 meeting minutes as amended.
Stephan Glicken moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. 3-0-2.

9:30 p.m. Signatures:
The Commission signed bills. Certificate of Compliance for DEP File #SE-280-237, 10 Horizons Road.

9:35 p.m. Adjournment:
Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephan Glicken moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.